Saturday, April 30, 2011

I am my mother's daughter.

As I get older, I am reminded more and more that I AM my mother's daughter.  I may look like my dad, but I am noticing, as well as others pointing out to me, that I do so many things that are identical to those that my mom does.  I share my love of baking with my Grandma Virginia, my mom's mom.  Growing up, I always loved to bake and would walk over to my Grandma's house often (the house I grew up in was about 2 blocks away from my grandparents house) and bake cookies with her.  My grandma is a wonderful baker and her desserts are always absolutely perfect and look more professional than the bakery.  So, even with my grandma having a love of baking, that passion must have skipped a generation.  My mom isn't a huge fan of baking and with my love for the activity, I always knew that was a difference between the two of us.  Most recently, however, I have been getting phone calls, texts, and emails from my mom, sharing with me new recipes that she has found, or desserts that she has made for get-togethers or luncheons at work.  God Bless her (and Mom--I know you're reading and trust me, it is ENTIRELY out of love), but she has been on quite the roll with a new recipe for Lemon Squares that she and everyone that she makes them for adores.  I have yet to try them, but definitely will, because I don't see this hot topic fading away until I do.  But this little example reminds me once again that I am, in fact, my mother's daughter...

I find myself totally, 100% addicted to baking.  I crave going home from work at night, getting to the gym to get my workout out of the way, and returning home to get baking.  I have been trying out a few new recipes for cookies, that in my opinion, are nothing to call home about, and I'm not going to waste space on my blog posting the recipes. of my newest, most severe baking addictions are making these...

Cake balls.  I LOVE making them.  It's fun to make them for each season or occasion.  I find that for me, cake balls are like lemon squares to my mom.  I want to make them for everyone.  I want to bring them to every party I'm invited to.  I want to tell everyone and their uncle about cake balls and how great they are.  I have posted status updates about cake balls numerous times on my facebook page.  I have emailed the recipe and will probably do many, many more blog posts about them, too.  So, if you see anything on the lines about "cake balls" in the subject on a post, I wouldn't be offended if you skip reading my post that day.  It's an addiction.  I can't help it.

The cake balls pictured are french vanilla cake balls and made for my friend Abby's aunt Cindy, who is in Florida visiting.  I have adopted Aunt Cindy as my own and was so excited to whip up a batch of these when I knew she was coming.  She told me awhile back that she loves sweets and loves cake.  And trust me, when people tell me things like that, I rarely forget.  It's like magic words to my brain that get archived forever.  I hope she likes them...I'm heading out to the beach now to meet them for a drink...and cake balls, of course. 

Hope you are all having a great weekend!  The weather here in FL has been beautiful and was especially gorgeous today.  85 degree, no humidity.  Heaven.  On.  Earth. 

Staying tuned next week...I have a cake order due on Thursday and will a little something up my sleeve for my bestie Emily who will be arriving on Saturday from Minnesota. 

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